Our Leadership
At Canyon Del Oro Bible Church, we consider the quality of our leadership crucial to both the growth and health of the church. We take very seriously the Bible’s qualifications for church leadership as listed in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1. Each elected leader is screened to ensure they match the Biblical requirements for church leadership. It’s our desire that our leaders serve with a balance of grace and truth (John 1:14), and also with a humble heart.
At Canyon Del Oro Bible Church, the elders have the charge for the spiritual oversight of the church. Our church’s constitution states the main responsibility for the Elder Board is: “…the management of the spiritual and temporal affairs of the Church.” Elders are elected to a three year term, and can serve 2 consecutive terms.
The Deacons at Canyon Del Oro Bible Church have primary oversight of the physical property of the church and they also give leadership to various ministries as God has gifted and impassioned them. The Deacons are elected by the church membership to serve a two year term, and they can serve consecutive terms if that is agreeable to them and the Elders.
The Board of Deaconesses serves in the temporal affairs of the church. They do this on a regular basis by assisting with details related to baptisms, communion, and other all-church events. They serve the congregation by organizing assistance to those who have been sick / hospitalized, and by helping at funerals if needed. They also give leadership to various ministries as God has gifted and impassioned them. The Deaconesses are elected by the church membership to serve a two-year term, and they can serve consecutive terms if that is agreeable to them and the Elders.
The Clerk is elected for a one year term, and is responsible for recording the decisions of all official church business meetings.
The Treasurer is elected for a one year term and is responsible for the accounting and disbursing of all church funds. The Treasurer is also in charge of submitting financial statements to the church membership for business meetings.