Steve Van Kley, D.Min.

Senior Pastor

How I came into a relationship with Jesus Christ?
I grew up going to church and heard the Gospel from my earliest days. One night before going to bed, I prayed the ‘sinner’s prayer’ and put my faith in Christ. Shortly after that I was baptized. As I grew up I stayed active with church activities but during high school and into college I walked away from God and lived for myself. In college I realized my path was leading to pain and emptiness, so I came back to the Lord.
How I came to CDO Bible Church
After 12 years of serving in youth ministry, I became the Senior Pastor at CDOBC. We moved to Oro Valley in August 2001, and God has blessed our family…and the ministry at CDOBC in amazing ways!
What I do at CDO Bible Church
As the Senior Pastor preaching is my primary duty. I also lead the staff, cast a vision for the future, and develop future leaders for the growing ministry of CDO Bible Church.
Why I do what I do?
The first reason is that Christ gave His life for me, so I have devoted my life to Him. Second, God has prepared and gifted me to be a pastor. Third, I want my life’s work to impact people for eternity. Fourth, I love learning and growing in my faith, and I love to teach/preach God’s Word and see it change lives.
At CDO Bible Church since:
On staff since:
Favorite verse:
John 1:14
Married to:
Married Since:
Brian & Jessica
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