I grew up going to church and heard the Gospel from my earliest days. One night before going to bed, I prayed the ‘sinner’s prayer’ and put my faith in Christ. Shortly after that I was baptized. As I grew up I stayed active with church activities but during high school and into college I walked away from God and lived for myself. In college I realized my path was leading to pain and emptiness, so I came back to the Lord.
After 12 years of serving in youth ministry, I became the Senior Pastor at CDOBC. We moved to Oro Valley in August 2001, and God has blessed our family…and the ministry at CDOBC in amazing ways!
As the Senior Pastor preaching is my primary duty. I also lead the staff, cast a vision for the future, and develop future leaders for the growing ministry of CDO Bible Church.
The first reason is that Christ gave His life for me, so I have devoted my life to Him. Second, God has prepared and gifted me to be a pastor. Third, I want my life’s work to impact people for eternity. Fourth, I love learning and growing in my faith, and I love to teach/preach God’s Word and see it change lives.