Sam_Des Dyer

Desirée Dyer

Interim Media Director

How I came into a relationship with Jesus Christ?
The Lord brought me into His family when I was just nine years old. I grew up in the church, going to Awana, and I loved to hear stories about Jesus, but at this young age God made it clear that I was a sinner in need of a Savior. I believed in my heart that Jesus was my Savior who died for my sin, I asked for forgiveness for that sin, and I was baptized.
How I came to CDO Bible Church
When God made it clear to our family that it was time to leave Germany after 11 years (and 17 years total overseas), we began praying about our next steps. We asked Him to show us where He wanted us. Never did I think we would end up in Tucson, but as we followed His leading, He made it clear that we were to partner with Canyon del Oro Bible Church to plant a new church in the city.
What I do at CDO Bible Church
I am Sam’s church plant assistant, and I also serve as the Interim Media Director.
Why I do what I do?
God has called me as His ambassador wherever I go. I love walking in close relationship with people and seeing God do amazing things in and through His church. I also like to create media so that people can clearly understand God’s word, the mission of the church, and enjoy Christ more.
At CDO Bible Church since:
January 2025
On staff since:
February 2025
Favorite verse:
2 Corinthians 5:17-21
Married to:
Married Since:
Ezra and Salem
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