Dylan Bravin

Dylan Bravin

Interim NextGen Students Director

How I came into a relationship with Jesus Christ?
I’ve grown up in church my entire life, and I remember from a young age, I ask Christ into my life after learning about His sacrifice for me and my sins. Although I believed in Him, I didn’t grow in Him growing up, and I struggled greatly as a teenager understanding God’s love for me even while I sin. I struggled with being in other’s shadows and thinking I had to do what other people around me were doing in order to gain Christ’s full love. It wasn’t until beginning of 2023 did I fully understand who God has made me to be and His incredible love for me. Each day I strive to grow in Christ, not because I have to but because I want to and get to.
How I came to CDO Bible Church
After leaving my former church and feeling abandoned and lost, I tried different churches around town, and upon coming to CDOBC, I felt loved and accepted for who I am. The love from the congregation and the biblical teachings helped me realized I found my church home.
What I do at CDO Bible Church
I wrangle middle and high school students into mandatory fun.
Why I do what I do?
I love serving in youth ministry because middle school and high school students are so unique and have such diversity in their thoughts, actions, and their personalities. Being in youth group, I longed for someone to come alongside me and guide me and offer wisdom and counsel. I continue to serve in youth ministry to help guide kids toward Christ, and enjoy seeing the glory God gets through it all.
At CDO Bible Church since:
On staff since:
Favorite verse:
Romans 8:38-39
Married to:
Married Since:
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